
People of the Spirit: Exploring Luke’s View of the Church is unavailable, but you can change that!

People of the Spirit examines Luke’s understanding of the Church as found in both his Gospel and the Book of Acts. Topics such as Luke’s view of salvation, worship of Jesus amongst the first Christians, Pentecost, mission and the structure of the early church are examined in order to challenge the contemporary church to remain true to the Gospel.

less and less interested in spiritual issues—privatizing them and leaving them to the individual—and has drifted to more pluralistic attitudes to religion, the Church has found itself increasingly marginalized and uncertain of its role in society. In turn, one of the recurring ideas expressed by those involved in the Emergent or Emerging Church movement is a disillusionment with church initiatives from the late twentieth century that are interpreted as part of an acquiescence to a feel-good, self-centred
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